About the Journal
Advances in Mechanics ISSN 1000-0992 is an international journal that was launched by the Chinese Sciences Academy of Engineering. It provides engineers from various disciplines with a venue to publish their works related to Engineering and Technology, Engineering Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Applied Sciences, and Other scientific studies.
Engineering: A rapidly growing sector in engineering research including virtually all aspects of the phenomena, process control, environment, energy, corrosion, separation science, powder technology, materials science, engineering education, and other relevant subjects. Topics may range from fundamentals to applications environment, energy and natural resources fields: from agricultural systems and engineering, aquaculture and aquatic resource management, food engineering and bioprocess technology, regional and rural development planning and urban environmental management, renewable energy such as solar power, to oil exploration technologies, superconductivity, and nuclear generation.
Multidisciplinary: this section covers research articles in multidisciplinary fields. The scope of this section includes several topics in the combined domain of engineering, technology, applied science, and focuses on solving technical problems. This section disseminates results from the applications of engineering and modern technology. Great research emphasis is placed on chemicals, material, agriculture, healthcare, disaster mitigation, transportation, telecommunications, survey, space, chips, computer hardware, computer software. The journal focus is on theories, methods, and applications in different fields.